Healthcheck Error | Cause & Resolution | Cluster Log |
cannot dial resource: cannot probe: Head "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host |
Cause: DNS resolution for the provided Endpoint hostname failed. Resolution: Ensure the Endpoint matches the cluster’s API server endpoint. |
N/A |
cannot dial resource: cannot probe: Head "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) |
Cause: There is no Ingress rule in the EKS’s security groups allow access to port 443 from any SDM Gateways or Relays
N/A |
cannot dial resource: cannot probe: Head "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "kubernetes") |
Cause: The Server CA provided is incorrect. Resolution: Ensure the Server CA matches the cluster’s Certificate Authority |
N/A |
failed to initialize plugin: cannot create TLS transport: cannot parse server CA |
Cause: The Server CA in the resource settings is a Secret Store path to a Base64-encoded value. Resolution: Append &encoding=base64 to the path. Example: sdm/secrets?key=eksca&encoding=base64 |
N/A |
Invalid Credentials, lacking read permissions, or server not found. |
Cause: The resource’s Cluster Name does not match the name of the EKS cluster in AWS. Resolution: Ensure the resource Cluster Name matches the cluster’s cluster name. |
EKS Cluster Authentication Log: error="sts getCallerIdentity failed: error from AWS (expected 200, got 403). Body: {\"Error\":{\"Code\":\"SignatureDoesNotMatch\",\"Message\":\"The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.\",\"Type\":\"Sender\"},\"RequestId\":\"6059df54-f0b6-4cf1-98ad-5a27bcec1db9\"}" method=POST path=/authenticate |
Invalid Credentials, lacking read permissions, or server not found. |
Cause: The Instance Profile Role ARN (attached to your StrongDM node) specified in the resource is not Resolution: Add the Role ARN to the cluster’s mapRoles in configmap. |
EKS Cluster Authentication Log: level=warning msg="access denied" arn="arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/sdm-node-role" client="" error="ARN is not mapped" method=POST path=/authenticate |
Invalid Credentials, lacking read permissions, or server not found. |
Cause: The Assume Role ARN specified in the resource is not mapped in the Clusters RBAC. Resolution: Add the Role ARN to the cluster’s mapRoles in configmap. |
EKS Cluster Authentication Log: level=warning msg="access denied" arn="arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/k8sDev" client="" error="ARN is not mapped" method=POST path=/authenticate |
Invalid Credentials, lacking read permissions, or server not found. |
Cause: Group name specified in the configmap doesn’t match the group name in RoleBindings. Resolution: Correct the RBAC RoleBindings. |
EKS Cluster Authentication Log: level=info msg="access granted" arn="arn:aws:iam::671496566364:role/mary-k8sDev" client="" groups="[dev-access-group]" method=POST path=/authenticate uid="aws-iam-authenticator:xxxxxxxxxxxxAROAZYWCQOZOHGFV7OAZP" username=k8sDev EKS Cluster Audit Log: { "kind": "Event", "apiVersion": "", "level": "Request", "auditID": "adf1482c-a237-4d46-a9fb-a8f5f8fa1788", "stage": "ResponseComplete", "requestURI":"/api/v1/namespaces/dev", "verb": "get", "user": { "username": "k8sDev", "uid": "aws-iam-authenticator:xxxxxxxxxxxx:AROAZYWCQOZOHGFV7OAZP", "groups": [ "dev-access-group", "system:authenticated" ], "extra": { "accessKeyId": [ "ASIAZYWCQOZOBZ2DF4G7" ], "arn": [ "arn:aws:sts::xxxxxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/k8sDev/1697836792291792707" ], "canonicalArn": [ "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/k8sDev" ], "principalId": [ "AROAZYWCQOZOHGFV7OAZP" ], "sessionName": [ "1697836792291792707" ] } }, "sourceIPs": [ " ], "userAgent": "Go-http-client/1.1", "objectRef": { "resource": "namespaces", "namespace": "dev", "name": "dev", "apiVersion": "v1" }, "responseStatus": { "metadata": {}, "status": "Failure", "message": "namespaces \"dev\" is forbidden: User \"k8sDev\" cannot get resource \"namespaces\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"dev\"", "reason": "Forbidden", "details": { "name":"dev", "kind": "namespaces" }, "code": 403 }, "requestReceivedTimestamp": "2023-10-20T21:19:52.410702Z", "stageTimestamp": "2023-10-20T21:19:52.739234Z", "annotations": { "": "forbid", "": "" } }
RBAC detail: $ eksctl get iamidentitymapping --cluster cluster-name |
Invalid Credentials, lacking read permissions, or server not found. |
Cause: The RBAC Role specified in the RoleBinding doesn’t exist in the specified namespace. Resolution: Create the role in the specified namespace. |
EKS Cluster Audit Log: "userAgent": "Go-http-client/1.1", "objectRef": { "resource": "pods", "namespace": "dev", "apiVersion": "v1" }, "responseStatus": { "metadata": {}, "status": "Failure", "message": "pods is forbidden: User \"k8sdev\" cannot list resource \"pods\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"dev\": RBAC: \"devOps-role\" not found", "reason": "Forbidden", "details": { "kind": "pods" }, "code": 403 kubectl describe rolebinding -n dev |