Submit a request
âšī¸ Low
đ Medium
đ¨ High
đĨ Critical
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- Information request, reporting a documentation error, recommending a product enhancement, and there is little to no impact in your operation of SDM.
đ Medium
- Your company experiences a minor loss of service, resulting in a partial, non-critical loss of functionality of the software. The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality.
đ¨ High
- StrongDM is running in a degraded mode. Operations can continue in a restricted fashion, although long-term productivity might be adversely affected and there is no temporary workaround.
đĨ Critical
- You cannot reasonably continue your work. You experience a complete loss of service and/or encounter one of the following scenarios; all users cannot use StrongDM or users cannot access any resources in their environment.
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